20/40, hosted by Kirstie Fitzpatrick and Jen Seyderhelm, is a podcast celebrating friendship across generations, and features conversations around relationships, work and life.
37 episodes
In Common
Jen wonders whether having everything in common is a good thing in relationships or whether it is more important to be at a similar point in life's journey. Kirstie appreciates goals, values and kindness in friends, Jen likes those who question...
Season 3
Episode 12

We all go into interactions with others with our own expectations about how they'll play out but sometimes people don't live up to ours or we don't meet theirs.20/40 is a podcast celebrating conversations and friendship across generatio...

Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Recycle
Jen had just interview Dr Liz Allen who had found the Manolo Blahnik shoes, worn by Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City when she...
Season 3
Episode 10

Ask Us Anything!
In this episode Kirstie and Jen answer questions you have put to us - are some bridges best burnt, how to recognise toxic traits in others (and ourselves), body love, are we the protagonists of our own life and how many sugar daddies we deserve...
Season 3
Episode 9

20/40 2020 Christmas Episode - Resolutions
What a year! This is a short, sweet episode where Kirstie and Jen discuss resolutions - if they make them and if they keep them.20/40 is a podcast celebrating conversations and friendship across generations. Your podcast hosts are Kirst...

Jen has been feeling internal anger, but as someone who dislikes conflict, she wonders if her repression is a bad thing and, over a long period of time, can affect her relationships. Kirstie has gotten better at speaking up when a matter isn't ...
Season 3
Episode 8

Making a Difference
Can one person make a difference to the world? To another person? Kirstie and Jen discuss altruism, volunteering and whether their media roles count as a contribution. They also talk about people who have made a big difference to them - a...

Neither Jen or Kirstie can imagine a world without their pets. They also think it terribly unfair that pets don't live as long as their humans. Both have lost pets in traumatic circumstances that they've never forgotten. You never forget your p...

Fun. Jen savours the fun in her life. Kirstie's not sure what having fun means exactly. They discuss their changing attitudes towards both fun, joy and being funny, how different situations bring out different aspects of themselves and how they...
Season 3
Episode 5

Back in Our Day
Want to feel old? Macaulay Culkin is 40. Mullets (and god forbid SKULLETS) are in again and Kirstie doesn't know who Jen's teen idol Andrew McCarthy is. In this episode Kirstie and Jen discuss phones, cars, chain letters, pen pals, trav...
Season 3
Episode 4

Not All Canberrans Are Public Servants
Canberra is a weird place to live and work as it both feels like a big country town and yet you can run into the Prime Minister or Ambassador to Canada having lunch at your local restaurant! Kirstie and Jen reflect on how very normal, and abnor...
Season 3
Episode 3

Coronavirus Part 2
Kirstie and Jen this episode have chosen to revisit the affects of coronavirus on their lives, work, friends and family. Four months after their special episode in season 2, they discuss masks, toilet paper hoarding, how they shop, hugging and ...

Canberra Home
WELCOME TO SEASON 3! Welcome also to some conversations that are local to the Australian Capital Territory.Kirstie and Jen call Canberra home. How long do you have to have live there to be a local? What are the characteristics of a typi...
Season 3
Episode 1

THIS IS THE FINAL EPISODE OF SEASON 2! But don't fret, they'll be back with more in August :)In this episode Kirstie suggests avid gardening, sunset watching and listening to talk back radio are indicators you are getting old. J...

Manspeak 2.0
In this episode Jen and Kirstie have invited their friends Eddie Williams and Brent Ford to join them to discuss how men think, talk and feel.10 discoveries -1) Men gossip more that we realise2) Dating app stats are extraordinar...

Season 1 - Manspeak
We are revisiting Season 1 and the topic of manspeak. Next Monday the 15th of June Kirstie and Jen are doing Manspeak 2.0, featuring two of their favourite men and friends, Eddie Williams and Brent Ford. In this episode from season 1, Jen asks ...
Season 1
Episode 9

Big questions - does marriage still matter? It does to Kirstie and it's something she wants and thinks about a lot. Does commitment still matter? Does putting a ring on it really change anything or save a struggling relationship? Kirstie and Je...
Season 2
Episode 19

I Miss You
Part of Jen's COVID-19 experience is a need to reconnect with a couple of people with whom she has 'loose ends'. She's noticed that many of her friends are doing the same. Is this something that is generational as Jen has had more time to have ...
Season 2
Episode 18

Moving On
Despite the rules and regulations around movements during the current COVID-19 situation, both Kirstie and Jen are moving in and out of places. Moving house is, for some people the most stressful experience next to divorce. Kirstie and Jen disc...
Season 2
Episode 17

Kirstie and Jen recorded this work-related podcast the last time they were able to hang out in a studio together. As the Covid-19 situation unfolded they held on to it because it felt strange talking about work when so many people were now in t...
Season 2
Episode 16

Coronavirus Special Episode
How are you going? Kirstie and Jen discuss this new world we are living in and the ongoing implications, both certain and uncertain.20/40 is a podcast celebrating conversations and friendship across generations. Your podcast hosts a...
Season 2
Episode 16

Uncomfortable Truths
Kirstie brings up some uncomfortable truths she's experienced - some that need to be said to go forward. Jen has experienced some that don't. 20/40 is a podcast celebrating conversations and friendship across generations. Your podc...
Season 2
Episode 15

Letters to Ourselves
Kirstie and Jen write letters to their 16 year old selves, and to themselves 20 years in the future. It is more emotional that one expected but also very funny as Kirstie gets worried about her 40 year old "decrepit" self (Jen's words - not her...
Season 2
Episode 14