

February 14, 2021 20/40

We all go into interactions with others with our own expectations about how they'll play out but sometimes people don't live up to ours or we don't meet theirs.

20/40 is a podcast celebrating conversations and friendship across generations. Your podcast hosts are Kirstie Fitzpatrick (the 20 something) and Jen Seyderhelm (the 40 something). Kirstie and Jen met while working in the media. Initially their catch ups were defined by work roles which required sharing current affairs and news with each other. It didn't take long before they found they were seeking each other out on personal matters - relationships, family, social life, health, work and more. They discovered an abundance in common and the twenty year age gap a bonus rather than hindrance.

Kirstie and Jen would love your feedback, thoughts and ideas towards future episodes. You can contact us via our Facebook page 20/40 or email twentydashforty@gmail.com

Music licensed from http://www.purple-planet.com